[HanziQ][Bug] Wrong mod info while updating mods on portal

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[HanziQ][Bug] Wrong mod info while updating mods on portal

Post by lovely_santa »


I'm not sure if this was there in 0.15, but while updating on the mod portal, i see (as mod owner) some info that gets extracted from the info.json:
Wrong info extraction.png
Wrong info extraction.png (23.45 KiB) Viewed 2278 times
As you can see, it says factorio version 0.13, so I went back in the json but there it's declared as 0.16...
Then I went for my other mods and it also says version 0.13

Example json below:

Code: Select all

  "name": "SantasNixieTubeDisplay",
  "version": "0.1.2",
  "factorio_version": "0.16",
  "title": "Santa's Nixie Tube Display",
  "author": "lovely_santa",
  "contact": "",
  "homepage": "https://github.com/LovelySanta/FactorioMods",
  "description": "Another version of the nixie tubes, less features, less UPS drops.",
  "dependencies": [
    "base >= 0.16.2"
So it seems its not even extracting the factorio version, but just a hardcoded 0.13?

kind regards
You can find all my mods on the mod portal. Also helping on Arch666Angel's mods.
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Re: [0.16] Wrong mod info while updating mods on portal

Post by HanziQ »

It's using the first extracted info looks like, moving to mod portal discussion, I'll take a look later.
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Re: [HanziQ][Bug] Wrong mod info while updating mods on portal

Post by lovely_santa »

even if it takes the first one, that would still be 0.15 in this case, just wanted to let you know :)
You can find all my mods on the mod portal. Also helping on Arch666Angel's mods.
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Re: [HanziQ][Bug] Wrong mod info while updating mods on portal

Post by drbert »

I got the same problem with my mod. The description doesn't get updated with newer uploads.

So the extracted data from first uploaded info.json always stays and there is no possibility to change the description text.
Very annoying because I made some mistakes and want to add new core elements https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Advanced-Atomics/

The only solution seems to create a new mod :oops:
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