The Saline Water from Salt recipe is... (IMO) off

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Burner Inserter
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The Saline Water from Salt recipe is... (IMO) off

Post by PSquared1234 »


I have a comment about the recipes to generate saline water. This concerns Angel's Refining 0.11.16, and in particular the "solid-salt-dissolving" recipe. Other than the conventional water purification recipe (150 Water -> 100 Purified Water + 20 Saline Water), there are (among others) two additional recipes to generate "large amounts" of saline water, both made in a Salination Plant:

1) 1k water -> 400 saline water ("water-saline" recipe)
2) 1k PURIFIED water + 10 salt -> 400 saline water (this is, I believe, the "solid-salt-dissolving" recipe in water-treatment-recipes.lua).

I was really hoping to start using recipe #2, as I'm drowning in NaCl in my current run, but... honestly, why would anyone ever use recipe #2? It requires a separate purification step, which creates saline water on its own. Yes, it's net gain (you still need some salt; that is, you don't generate more saline water from creating the purified water than from the process itself), but that's a lot of effort to get the same amount of saline water as doing no extra work.

This is a recipe that, IMO, could use some tweeking. I'd suggest 1k (normal) water + 10 salt -> 800 saline water, or something along those lines.
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