Starting on a 0.17 full Angel+Bob game, and put my tech price multiplier up to 10 to avoid the common scenario where I research stuff way faster than I can use it, and where almost all the late game research topics all complete in a few seconds.
Then I come to setting up the arboretums and farming in Angel's Bioprocessing, and it seems that the exploration tokens you get from finding Gardens is also multiplied, so to get even one farming tech researched I need to hunt around the map for 20 gardens of one type just to get going. Is there any way round this?
Tech price multiplier and Exploration-tokens
Moderator: Arch666Angel
Re: Tech price multiplier and Exploration-tokens
You can either have some cheatmod to spawn you extra ones, or edit the prices of the sciences. Maybe you can change how many you get per garden somewhere too. I had same problem and ended up generating extra ones so i could start to do the cultivation part, there its ok to have marathon settings but runnin around gathering excessive amounts of gardens isnt really what Factorio is about for me.