Spawn rare Bob's ores

Infinite Ores, Refining, Ore Processing ...

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Spawn rare Bob's ores

Post by LittleMikey »

Hi guys, so I've been playing with Angel's and Bob's mods, and I'm currently wondering about the rare ores like Titanium and Silver ore. I know in Angel's Refining they get replaced with having to further process Sapphirte and similar ores, but is there any way to make the rarer ores spawn in still? I like the idea of having to explore to get rarer resources.
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Re: Spawn rare Bob's ores

Post by porcupine »

I know this is a old post and such... but I started a game with Angels (having played with just Bob's before), and ended up digging around the forums trying to figure out why all of the ores had gibberish names (I didn't see the merit/value of this, until I saw some recipes, that make it look like 4 ores supply everything).

Honestly, I found that pretty disappointing, I was hoping to run a railworld deathworld, wanted extra complexity, but with everything derived from just a few ores, there's so much less reason to explore. I hadn't seen any charts before, and assumed angels just made the bob's ores (or even more ores) more complicated to manufacture basically (IE: complicated smelting, crushing, etc., but same, or even more patches/types of ores out there).

Everything derived from so few starting ores reduces a lot of the exploration itch IMHO. I know Angel's is a mature mod at this point, and I'm sure this feedback wouldn't be welcomed by most, but that's just how I see it. It looks like it adds a lot, but also detracts a huge chunk in this regard.
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Re: Spawn rare Bob's ores

Post by kenken244 »

if you don't want all the ores to be rolled into a smaller number, just uninstall angels refining. that is the whole point of the mod. if you don't want it, don't use it. you can still use angels other mods without it
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Re: Spawn rare Bob's ores

Post by Arch666Angel »

kenken244 wrote:if you don't want all the ores to be rolled into a smaller number, just uninstall angels refining. that is the whole point of the mod. if you don't want it, don't use it. you can still use angels other mods without it
Nope you cant :)
porcupine wrote:I know this is a old post and such... but I started a game with Angels (having played with just Bob's before), and ended up digging around the forums trying to figure out why all of the ores had gibberish names (I didn't see the merit/value of this, until I saw some recipes, that make it look like 4 ores supply everything).

Honestly, I found that pretty disappointing, I was hoping to run a railworld deathworld, wanted extra complexity, but with everything derived from just a few ores, there's so much less reason to explore. I hadn't seen any charts before, and assumed angels just made the bob's ores (or even more ores) more complicated to manufacture basically (IE: complicated smelting, crushing, etc., but same, or even more patches/types of ores out there).

Everything derived from so few starting ores reduces a lot of the exploration itch IMHO. I know Angel's is a mature mod at this point, and I'm sure this feedback wouldn't be welcomed by most, but that's just how I see it. It looks like it adds a lot, but also detracts a huge chunk in this regard.
Well the initial idea back in the days was to extend ore refining for each of the multitude of bobores, but that evolved to be not very handable, because of the amount of recipes and individual chains I'd have to come up with. So going that way the mod would have ended up the size that the smelting mod became to be. I had hoped that judos extended the hardcrafting mod to fill that niche but I guess he ran into similar problems as well.
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Re: Spawn rare Bob's ores

Post by LittleMikey »

Arch666Angel wrote:
kenken244 wrote:if you don't want all the ores to be rolled into a smaller number, just uninstall angels refining. that is the whole point of the mod. if you don't want it, don't use it. you can still use angels other mods without it
Nope you cant :)
porcupine wrote:I know this is a old post and such... but I started a game with Angels (having played with just Bob's before), and ended up digging around the forums trying to figure out why all of the ores had gibberish names (I didn't see the merit/value of this, until I saw some recipes, that make it look like 4 ores supply everything).

Honestly, I found that pretty disappointing, I was hoping to run a railworld deathworld, wanted extra complexity, but with everything derived from just a few ores, there's so much less reason to explore. I hadn't seen any charts before, and assumed angels just made the bob's ores (or even more ores) more complicated to manufacture basically (IE: complicated smelting, crushing, etc., but same, or even more patches/types of ores out there).

Everything derived from so few starting ores reduces a lot of the exploration itch IMHO. I know Angel's is a mature mod at this point, and I'm sure this feedback wouldn't be welcomed by most, but that's just how I see it. It looks like it adds a lot, but also detracts a huge chunk in this regard.
Well the initial idea back in the days was to extend ore refining for each of the multitude of bobores, but that evolved to be not very handable, because of the amount of recipes and individual chains I'd have to come up with. So going that way the mod would have ended up the size that the smelting mod became to be. I had hoped that judos extended the hardcrafting mod to fill that niche but I guess he ran into similar problems as well.
You could use a combination of both systems. For players that want to play a more railworld type game they can explore and be rewarded with the rarer resources in a raw form, meaning they don't need to process the basic ores 3/4 times over to get the one resource they want. Players who want to build up in a small area can just focus on refining the basic ores.

Like one of the problems I have is that I need Silver for example, but in order to get silver I also get five other ores that I'm not currently using. So basically I need to constantly store more of those extra resources just to produce the one that I do need. Being able to go out into the world and just bring back Silver Ore would mean that I'm not producing a whole bunch of resources that I don't want, and when I reach the point where I do start needing more of those resources I can then move on to the mass refining gameplay.
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Re: Spawn rare Bob's ores

Post by MisterFister »

I'm just getting past the noob-hump of angelbobs, but from what I've played and what I've seen on tutorials and YouTube playthroughs -- the multitude of ores coming from the same basic 4 raw ores in the wild, in my view, INCREASES the railword complexity.

First of all, what got me on my most recent mapseed was running out of coal in my starter area WAY too late to react to it properly with all the BobsWarfare / Rampant / NE / Swarm / (and RSO) installed, so that was my own fault. But, before I decided to call it quits, I used a cheat code to reveal the map, because my saphirite was also low. The only two nodes of that stuff that were in any way near enough to run back on belts (nowhere near rail tech yet) were both on islands completely surrounded by water. Which means that not only did I procrastinate on replacing my coal until after it was a death sentence, but I ALSO would've been screwed pretty soon on iron unless I reverted to an earlier save and incorporated landfill research early on and spent time (and electricity, and coal) converting at least a wood chest of landfill from stone.

Second, I know that once I get to building a railnet, even aside from the relative rarity of the spawn rates of the various ores, is the need to create such large processing centers for all of the interim products and waste products. I anticipate I'll even have a whole section just for converted crushed stone into stone, incoming from each of my crushing setups, and outgoing to the various consumers of stone (bricks, concrete, landfill, etc.)

By concentrating the mod's complexity into fewer spawned ores, you lose almost none of the overall complexity.

All of this said, I agree with you, having this same level of refining complexity with three times the number of ore variants WOULD be a delicious challenge to play. But as mod authors are hobbyists who volunteer their time, I won't pretend to think that that would be a worthwhile thing to work on, with all the programming and troubleshooting and bugfixing that would likely entail.
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