ukezi wrote:Hallo angel thanks for your great mod for all us masochist for them bobs isn't hard enough;)
that said in the newest version synthesis propane is the only synthesis that is in the stream cracking category. I think that is a bug.
also I think the desalination is way to slow, you get out of water treatment 2 saline water/s with MK1 or 3/s with MK2 while your desalination plant gives you 3/10s or 0.3/s. I would keep the 10s cycle because the animation looks good but go up to like 150 water->50 saline water so you can power one MK1 electrolyser with one desalination plant. instead of needing 16.66
Can you provide me some more Infos? If I create a new game all the recipes that should be in the steam-cracker are there, plus the lubricant recipe which should be in a regular chemical plant (need to fix that).
And yeah you might be right, but the salination recipes should be slower because they are byproduct free.
100 water -> 40 Saline Water -> 20 Salt