Techs with missing science packs

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Techs with missing science packs

Post by KiwiHawk »

From the missing prerequisites thread, Santa: "Techs should require all of the science packs required for prerequisite techs (when not playing with Angels industries' science overhaul)."

Resin 3 should require Utility Science as it depends on Advanced Chemistry 4.

I've noted down lots of others but I think they are all Bobs or Base Game techs. I don't know how much Angels changes them or if it's useful to post here?
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Re: Techs with missing science packs

Post by KiwiHawk »

Code: Select all

|                                               | Production | Logistic | Military | Chemical | Utility |
| Advanced logistic and construction robotics 3 | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Advanced logistic and construction robotics 4 | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Armoured Fluid wagon 2                        | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Armoured Railway 2                            | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Artillery shell range 1+                      | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Artillery shooting speed 1+                   | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Artillery turret 3                            | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Artillery wagon 3                             | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Combat robotics 3                             |            | X        |          |          |         |
| Combat robotics 4                             |            | X        |          |          |         |
| Distractor Robot Mine                         |            |          | X        |          |         |
| Electric Poles 4                              | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Energy shield 3                               | X          |          |          |          |         |
|                                               |            |          |          |          |         |
| Follower robot count 5                        |            | X        |          |          |         |
| Follower robot count 6                        |            | X        |          |          |         |
| Follower robot count 7+                       |            | X        |          |          |         |
| Infinite character logistic trash slots 1+    | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Infinite worker robot cargo size 1+           | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Laser Rifle                                   |            |          |          | X        |         |
| Laser Rifle Ammo 1                            |            |          |          | X        |         |
| Laser Rifle Ammo 5                            | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Laser Rifle Ammo 6                            | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Laser turrets 3                               |            |          | X        |          |         |
| Laser turrets 5                               | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Logistic system 3                             | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Logistics 5                                   | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Modular roboports 4                           | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Modules 3                                     | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Personal laser defence 5                      | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Personal laser defence 6                      | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Personal roboport MK4                         | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Personal roboport modules 4                   | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Plasma turrets 3                              |            |          | X        |          |         |
| Plasma turrets 5                              | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Poison Mine                                   |            |          | X        |          |         |
| Radars 4                                      | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Repair Pack 5                                 | X          |          |          | X        |         |
| Repair Pack 4                                 |            |          |          | X        |         |
| Resin 3                                       |            |          |          |          | X       |
| Robotics 4                                    | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Rocket                                        |            |          |          | X        |         |
| Rocket control unit                           | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Slowdown Mine                                 |            |          | X        |          |         |
| Sniper turrets 3                              | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Stack inserter 4                              | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Substations 4                                 | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Tanks 3                                       | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Turrets 4                                     |            |          | X        |          |         |
| Turrets 5                                     | X          |          |          |          |         |
| Ultimate inserters                            | X          |          |          |          |         |
Dev for Bob's mods, Angel's mods, Helmod, Sea Block, Circuit Processing, Science Cost Tweaker.

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Re: Techs with missing science packs

Post by KiwiHawk »

Code: Select all

|                            | Gold | Yellow Alien | Red Alien | Green Alien |
| Explosive artillery shells | X    | X            |           |             |
| Napalm artillery shells    | X    |              | X         |             |
| Poison artillery shells    | X    |              |           | X           |
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Re: Techs with missing science packs

Post by valneq »

More context please. What is the set of mods you base these observations on?
How are we to interpret the tables with the crosses you posted?
Is that the status quo, or the desired state?

I believe most if not all of these are technologies from Bob's Mods. Are you applying Angel's technology guidelines to non-Angel's technologies?
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Re: Techs with missing science packs

Post by KiwiHawk »

Sorry, I'm using Bob's and Angels; no overhauls. I've put X's for science packs that aren't required for a technology but I think should be required.

Maybe Resin 3 is the only Angel's tech actually... It requires Automation, Transport, and Chemical science. It should also require Utility science as it's prerequisite tech Advanced chemistry 4 requires Utility science.
Dev for Bob's mods, Angel's mods, Helmod, Sea Block, Circuit Processing, Science Cost Tweaker.

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Re: Techs with missing science packs

Post by valneq »

I have reported your list to bobingabout:
Let's see if he is interested in it.
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