Maybe a bug 1: Some of my mods that are in the mod portal and my mod folder from 0.12.35 don't get autoupdated when I press check for updates. upgrade-planner, rso-mod, robotarmy are some examples.
Bug 2: When I then install those same mods from the in game mod portal manually the old mod version isn't deleted. But when I try to start Factorio the game complains at launch that I have duplicate mods. Removing the old version solves the mod name collision.
Bug 3, save corruption: If I try to load a 0.13 save file with these updated mods and enable or disable some mods the game crashes when trying to load my savefile. I'm not sure exactly what triggers this but:
- Some mod I tried to enable and then I crashed when loading the save. When I disable the mod again I can load my save.
- Another mod I tried to disable, but then I crashed when my save tries to load. When I enable the mod again I can load my save.
I have the save, the mod folder and the log. I'll PM it to any dev who wants it because I won't want to be public.