There are mods that need to be informed runtime when player enters a vehicle. I have my VehicleSnap listen to a lot of different driving and surface related events, but none of them trigger when player enters a tank from remote view. However it does trigger when player leaves it...
I would assume the related event to be added here is: on_player_driving_changed_state
[Raiguard] [2.0.13] No LUA event triggers when player drives remotely
Re: [Raiguard] [2.0.13] No LUA event triggers when player drives remotely
This is a bit tricky; Lua events can cause all sorts of wacky changes to the game state, so raising an event requires us to implement a whole lot of checks to make sure that the Lua code didn't i.e. delete the whole surface as a reaction to the player exiting a vehicle. Unfortunately, that means this is a relatively low priority.
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