[Lou]Extra Unnecessary Landfill under non-constructed miner

Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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[Lou]Extra Unnecessary Landfill under non-constructed miner

Post by peternlewis »

The new ability to auto-force landfills when placing a blueprint is fantastic.

There is an edge case where when placing a blueprint with multiple mining machines across a patch and into water (eg a patch on the edge of a lake), where a miner is entirely in the water results in the water being landfilled, and then the miner not being placed (as there is no ore) rendering the landfill unnecessary for the completion of the blueprint.

I hope my description is clear, but I can post an image if that helps.

A simple example would be two miners facing a belt, shift-placed such the one miner is built with the belt on the edge of the water and the other miner is entirely in water. Results in 9 extra unnecessary landfill and the miner not being built on the new land.
Burner Inserter
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Re: [Lou]Extra Unnecessary Landfill under non-constructed miner

Post by NautaSquid »

Also encountered this bug, and noticed it applies to any "landfill" like tile including foundation on lava or oil and ice platforms and concrete on Aquilo.

Attached some images.
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