[Rseding91] [2.0.6] Crash looking at production statistics and changing planet tab (agui::Graph::paintDataSeries)

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[Rseding91] [2.0.6] Crash looking at production statistics and changing planet tab (agui::Graph::paintDataSeries)

Post by mmmPI »

I am not sure the exact step to reproduce, but it happens every now and then when i switch tab in the production statistic, between different planet while trying to see graphs for science production global/local quality merged/separated and clicking the curve or the icons to see the average in the tooltip. At some point game stop responding but it's not easy to tell which precise action lead to it.

Happened on old laptop but always doing the same things so i don't believe it is faulty, but it could be :(

joining 2 logs where it happened in a row and the save game

Edit : joining a third log, apparently, trying to hover over the legendary blue science production curve in "global" stats and "separated quality" cause the problem , but it doesn't seem to always do so. Will update if i get more precise steps

Edit2 : no fourth log, but steps to reproduce seem to be : Go in map view, planet Vulcanus, then open production tab by pressing "P", then select "quality separated" and "global", type in "sci" as if willing to filter only the science packs, then click on the curve of the legendary blue science at a moment where the production is 0, and then the game doesn't respond and crash
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Smart Inserter
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Re: [2.0.6] Crash when looking at production statistics and changing planet tab

Post by mmmPI »

Not sure if that tell another story, crash happened when attempting to find more precisely the steps for reproduction , going into map view, changing planet, looking at the production tab still while playing with "global" or not with separate quality, was "sci" was in the search bar, to show the legendary blue science and clicking or hovering on the curve. ( first large log)

Tried with 2.0.7 too, still there. ( second small log)

I had saved before but it took quite some attempts to get it to crash so it's hard to tell exactly the steps. This time the last screen was "Gleba production tab" with "global" ticked off, 1hour time frame, cliking hovering the curve and then the icon of the legendary blue science. Most likely previous state was "global" ticked off, or Vulcanus stats.
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Re: [2.0.6] Crash looking at production statistics and changing planet tab (agui::Graph::paintDataSeries)

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for 2.0.9. Your detailed info about your ongoing reproduction attempts were useful in finally figuring out how this crash was happening.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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