[Donion] Incorrect swapping of copy/paste key mapping when switching keyboard layouts

Manual Inserter
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[Donion] Incorrect swapping of copy/paste key mapping when switching keyboard layouts

Post by Valkhiya »

Ok so this one is extremely niche and I might be the only person in the world with that issue but here we go.

I'm playing on Linux Mint, using a Dvorak keyboard and the ability to swap to Qwerty.
When starting the game with my Dvorak layout and default keybindings, the game defaults to setting undo/copy/cut/paste to ctrl+z,x,c,v respectively, as it should be. Those are mapped to the Dvorak positions for these letters rather than the actual key positions on a qwerty keyboard, which implies that those shortcuts are intended to be linked to their letter and not position, which so far is fine.
The problem comes when swapping keyboard layouts: every key stays bound to their respective positions on the keyboard, which for keys like like wasd, e for inventory, f and g for blueprint flipping etc makes perfect sense, because those default to their respective positions on a qwerty keyboard regardless of which layout you use. But ctrl+z,x,c,v still stay bound to their positions even though they default to their letters, which now makes no sense on a qwerty layout as they are then bound to /,b,i,. (on a Qwerty layout) respectively.
In other words, setting Factorio's controls to default on a Dvorak layout and then swapping to Qwerty results in something that isn't the default Qwerty layout, but some hybrid, because of the way those specific shortcuts default to letters but are still polled based on their position.

Apologies if this description isn't particularly clear, it took me a couple days to wrap my head around exactly what was happening, and as I mentioned before, it's a very small problem which also doesn't really matter that much (I can simply remap the keys away from the default and it's not that big a deal).
At the very least, it's kind of an interesting issue and it was a fun puzzle to solve.
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