Steps to Reproduce
- Deploy a parameterized blueprint without parameters
- (Conditional step) Update entity settings within that blueprint
- Deploy the same parameterized blueprint again with parameters over the already-deployed one (from step 1)
- Undo your last action
- Only the last action (settings change) is undone
- All entities are left as-is
- Blueprint is reverted to its unparameterized state
Depends on the fact if the conditional step was performed.
Conditional step was not done (all original settings are as-is)
- Last step (settings update) is unchanged
- Second to last step is reverted. It's either blueprint deletion or (if no other steps were performed in-between), or other step reversal
- Recording - Blueprint deletion
- Recording - Other step reversal
- Partial reversal of the last step is performed. Some settings are reverted, some don't
- Recording - Partial reversal
Other Info
- Blueprint that was used in the demo:
- That blueprint does not have any named groups in combinators