[twinsen] [2.0.12] Flat Character GUI cannot be closed by pressing hotkey again

Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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[twinsen] [2.0.12] Flat Character GUI cannot be closed by pressing hotkey again

Post by vadcx »

Default keybindings are:
Open Character Logistics: F1
Open Character info: F2
Open Character crafting: F3
Pressing the same button again to close the menu if it's already open (otherwise switch to the respective menu first).
Settings -> Interface -> Flat Character GUI = ON

1. Press either hotkey once to open menu
2. Press the same hotkey again, menu remains open (expected to close like ESC or double "E")

Settings -> Interface -> Flat Character GUI = OFF
1. Double F1: opens and closes, good
2. Double F2: only opens but doesn't close, bad
3. Double F3: opens and closes, good

Edit: the second part has Flat GUI set to OFF
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