I restarted without issue, then played for ~90 minutes before having the same issue, and when I went to quit the game (disconnected, then pressed Exit on the main menu) the game froze again. I had to quit via the Steam "STOP" button both times.
I've attached both logs, the only non-default values in the "[sound]" section of the config are volume sliders. I haven't tried to reproduce this on single-player. Factorio 1.1.110 worked flawlessly for 9 hours (missed spoon ) yesterday on the same hardware.
EDIT: I had the game running on the main menu while typing this report, and after 5 minutes when I focused it the sound immediately stopped. Clicking Exit froze the process again.
EDIT 2: Happened again, I kept playing without sounds for a couple minutes and the game worked fine. I got an achievement and whatever Steam uses to play the achievement sound still worked. As a side note, killing the process with SIGTERM doesn't work unless I do it twice.
EDIT 3: Reproduced on 2.0.8 main menu