Version 0.0.1 of this mod is broken, because I entered `base >= ???` as a dependency in info.json, and "???" is not a version. I attempted to fix that in version 0.0.3. Locally, I have 0.0.3 installed. However, when I go to Mods -> Updates, I am met with "Unable to check for updates" and no mods can be updated whether they are part of this pack or not. Console log:
Code: Select all
25.911 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading
26.978 Error ModInfo.cpp:134: Mod anentiresleeve-pack dependency base >= ??? not matching pattern "[?|(?)|!|~] ModName [ModVersion specifier]".
26.981 Error UpdateModsPane.cpp:93: Failed to fetch mod update information: Failed to parse the mod portal API response: Mod anentiresleeve-pack dependency base >= ??? not matching pattern "[?|(?)|!|~] ModName [ModVersion specifier]".
factorio-current.log attached.