I wanted to delete some old savegames and ran into a UI/keypress woopsie bug.

Game version is 1.1.41 (58972, Win64).
I'm using a lot of mods, but I dont think its relevant here. I will list them if necessary.
Short version:
When I click a savegame, press delete and then presses enter to delete, nothing happens. Then i click delete, and the game loads the next savegame.
Long version:
1. I open the Load Game list/menu (from the main menu).
2. I click a savegame i want to delete.
3. Click delete (keyboard key).
4. Click enter (keyboard key).
5. Nothing happens. I expected Enter to activate the Delete UI button.
6. I click the Delete UI button (with mouse) to confirm the delete savegame action.
7. The game deletes the selected savegame, and immediately loads the next savegame.
It seems like the Enter key action is not registered by the delete game confirmation box, and instead queued up and executed after the savegame is deleted.