[posila][for 0.16]Rotated alignment of even-length type storage-tank off by .5

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[posila][for 0.16]Rotated alignment of even-length type storage-tank off by .5

Post by malventano »

Finishing up a fluid handling mod based on type storage-tank. 'Odd' lengths (1x3, 1x5, 1x7) behave properly now that the previous rotation bug was fixed, but I discovered that if the length is an even number of tiles (1x2, 1x4, etc), the item becomes misaligned when rotated. Here I made a 1x2 item with graphics representing two conjoined pipe connections using the same dimensions as another 1x2 object (pump):
Note that the lower left object is incorrectly offset by 0.5x0.5. Values used for the above:

Code: Select all

collision_box = {{-0.29, -0.79}, {0.29, 0.79}}
selection_box = {{-0.5, -1}, {0.5, 1}}
  pipe_connections = {
    { position = {0, -1.5} },
    { position = {0, 1.5} },
    { position = {-1, -0.5} },
    { position = {-1, 0.5} },
    { position = {1, -0.5} },
    { position = {1, 0.5} },
Allyn Malventano
Want to improve fluid flow between pumps / across longer distances? Try my Manifolds mod.
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Re: [posila][for 0.16]Rotated alignment of even-length type storage-tank off by .5

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
I remember I had this issue when working on flamethrower turret.
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Re: [posila][for 0.16]Rotated alignment of even-length type storage-tank off by .5

Post by malventano »

Cool deal. Thanks for looking into it. I've pushed out the mod using only odd lengths: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/malventano/Manifolds
I might add a few even lengths once this one is patched, but no rush needed there. I realize I'm employing a rather obscure variation on the storage-tank type :).
Allyn Malventano
Want to improve fluid flow between pumps / across longer distances? Try my Manifolds mod.
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Re: [posila][for 0.16]Rotated alignment of even-length type storage-tank off by .5

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report (again)
Fixed for 0.16
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