- Contact damage (from being hit directly by the flame stream)
- Ground damage (from standing on ground that has been set on fire)
- Burning damage (from being set on fire)
- Over time: 13/s fire (contact damage)
- Area of effect: 90/s fire (ground damage)
- Area of effect size 2.5 (for which? Contact? Ground? Both?)
- Damage over time lasts 2 seconds (again, which damage?)
- 160% cumulative pre-space damage upgrades (+20% ea. space)
- 110% max fuel damage bonus (multiplicative)
Not mathable from damage and upgrade numbers above...When fully upgraded, flamethrower turrets are capable of doing 145.2/s Fire damage plus an additional 217.8/s damage
Not 2?for 8 seconds.
again, not 2?Furthermore, enemies caught in the stream are ignited for 30 seconds,
Affected by upgrades?and dealt 100 damage per second while on fire.
How? Gun turrets have 24×10=240 un-upgraded DPS on uranium ammo, with +150% max shooting speed and +120%(bullet)+120%(turret) pre-space damage upgrades for 240×2.5×3.4=2040 max pre-space DPS, far higher than any combination of the numbers above for flamethrower turrets.This makes them far more powerful than the gun turret or the laser turret
Can anyone provide me a clear explanation of the mechanics and calculations behind flamethrower turret damage?