- Enable/disable
- Read stopped train
- Enable condition T=0
Then I stood around watching the chain signal periodically turn from green to blue. The cycling from green to blue took longer than 1 second.
What I think is happening is when the train decides to leave the station T becomes 0, the chain signal changes blue, then before the train can move the station activates.
So the question is why did the train not move? Did it reroute because it's stopped at a signal? (I'm going to move the signal please wait.) Nope, changing the distance between the station and signal did change behavior. I was thinking the signal was causing the train to reroute to nearest station (the one it's current at) but that does not appear to be the case.
Please help me to understand why the train is not moving.
[Edit]Well I was wrong about one thing. T doesn't go to 0 when the signal changes color. Also changing the condition to other than T causing the station to always be disabled after arriving does not cause the train to leave after the wait time.
[Edit]Found it, even though I only want this train to go to stations with the same name and only stations with that name, the train needs two stations in its station list. Over 2k hours and still making rookie mistakes.