3-2 balancer with unlimited throughput

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3-2 balancer with unlimited throughput

Post by wvlad »

As I know there is no throughput unlimited 3-2 balancers in the wiki. I'm not sure if this is really unlimited but that's what I have came up with (left):

So are there any pitfalls with this design?

I already found that its consumption is not even (right belt is consumed faster).
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Re: 3-2 balancer with unlimited throughput

Post by Zavian »

I just use a normal 4-4 balancer with an extra balancer on the end to reduce it to 2 belts output. Simple and always full throughput. Most other attempts at 3 belt balancers are throughput limited.
3to2.png (1.23 MiB) Viewed 9557 times
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