Fast way of collecting items from boxes/belts/ground?

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Fast way of collecting items from boxes/belts/ground?

Post by decreebass »

Is there a fast way to collect stuff? The only way I know how is to left-click (open box) then select the item and drag it into my inventory (or shit+click or ctrl+click). I saw a guy on YouTube just run by boxes and collect everything without opening any dialogue boxes or anything. What am I missing? this would save me SO much time. Also, how can I manually pick stuff up off the ground? I have random bits lying around everywhere.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Fast way of collecting items from boxes/belts/ground?

Post by DaveMcW »

fast-entity-transfer.jpg (53.73 KiB) Viewed 59321 times
Last edited by DaveMcW on Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fast way of collecting items from boxes/belts/ground?

Post by decreebass »

So that will work with items on the ground and without me having to actually open the box (or mine, or furnace, etc.)? I appreciate it! What an obtuse way to describe the action I'm referring to lol. I mean, granted, my way isn't any better and sure as hell not as succint, but I'd never have guessed what an "entity transfer" is.

Thanks for the quick response! I suppose if I had know the right terminology I might've looked it up myself. But I guess sometimes ya don't even know enough to do a worthwhile Google search :)
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Re: Fast way of collecting items from boxes/belts/ground?

Post by steinio »

In standard configuration the 'F' key is used to get items from ground or belts.
Additional with the 'Z' key you can drop items to ground or belts.

You can also place a large structure like an assembler or a warehouse from the Warehousing mod over items on ground which get automatically in your inventory, if it's not full.

Greetings steinio

Transport Belt Repair Man

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