Behemoth Biters?

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Behemoth Biters?

Post by Kelderek »

I've seen a few references here on the forum to behemoth biters that are supposedly green in appearance, but I have never seen them. How far along does my factory need to be to see them? I just did a 0.12.x game that went far enough to launch two rockets with satellites from the silo. I barely used any solar at all, my factory was mostly steam and I used a lot of modules that would have bumped up my pollution a lot. Apparently that wasn't enough to get these behemoth biters I hear about, so what does it take?

It's not something from a mod is it?

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Re: Behemoth Biters?


How many hours in the game are you?

I dont think I started seeing them until 40 hours. While I was killing a whole lot of them.
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Re: Behemoth Biters?

Post by Kelderek »

I have no idea how many hours I've played that map, is there a way to display that?

Also, I used the map editor to make a simple scenario to allow me to have a small head start with a few items (I hate the early early game). Is that relevant at all?

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Re: Behemoth Biters?

Post by ratchetfreak »

it should show when you go to load the game

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Re: Behemoth Biters?

Post by orzelek »

You can install small mod - EvoGUI. It will show you game time and whats more important - the evolution factor.

Poking into data shows that to get behemot biter/spitter your evolution needs to exceed 99%.

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Re: Behemoth Biters?

Post by Kelderek »

ratchetfreak wrote:it should show when you go to load the game
Ah, ok, I see that now. I only had 21 hours on that map which I guess is not long enough.

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Re: Behemoth Biters?

Post by FishSandwich »

Kelderek wrote:
ratchetfreak wrote:it should show when you go to load the game
Ah, ok, I see that now. I only had 21 hours on that map which I guess is not long enough.
If you're itching to see them, you could try turning the evolution factor to max.

Whether your defenses can cope with that is another question though. :P

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Re: Behemoth Biters?

Post by RoddyVR »

The fastest (by far) way to up the evolution factor is not polution, its killing bitter nests. So if your bitter settings are relatively low to start with, you might have a hard time reaching the behemoths. Try clearing out a wide area around your base.

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Re: Behemoth Biters?

Post by Kelderek »

I think I left all the enemy settings at "medium" when I made the map. I have killed enough nests to complete the entire tech tree and make the power armor items as well as a bunch of tier 3 modules which use the artifacts. My base has railways leading to 5 separate outposts for mining ore and coal, so I cleared out a decent sized area. But I don't really have much of a frame of reference for how that may compare to the way other people play. What I think of as a large area cleared of nests may actually be small compared to others.

(It would be a cool statistic to have tracked - number of nests destroyed and number of artifacts retrieved)

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