Aquilo - Ammoniacal Solution bottleneck

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Aquilo - Ammoniacal Solution bottleneck

Post by evopwr »

Hi team,
I've been on Aquilo for quite awhile, and unlocked all research, and just finishing up my next ship with railguns, and about to push for the next step "Outer System".

But, i do find I am constantly getting a bottle-neck on Aquilo, which i'd like to solve before I move forward, but also curious if others are experiencing the same issue, or if its just me.

I'm finding my Ammonia tanks always get full, and I always run out of ice. And to clarify - I am not spending any ice on foundations. My base is built already, no expansion needed. Its just Cryo science production, and Quantum CPU production.

If it was a solid, I could just utilize the recycler to burn any excess off - but not with Ammonia - unless I am expected to barrel it? lol? surely not...

I've always found with other mods (bobs/angels/Kras/etc), the same "deadlock" occurs when a fundamental recipe creates 2 outputs, and then one will always fill up, stopping the other.
With the other mods, theyve provided a solution with gas stack burners, and various other "sinks", but there is no liquid/gas sink with Space Age. (except barreling)
The only other option I have is to pour it all into Fusion Power Cells - which is possibly a good plan.

Anyone else found this? How did you solve it?
(i've asked this in General not gameplay help because i'm also interested if you think the balance needs tweaking?)
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Re: Aquilo - Ammoniacal Solution bottleneck

Post by Junorus »

You can put a stationary platform sending ice down on the planet. Plenty of ice in space.
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Re: Aquilo - Ammoniacal Solution bottleneck

Post by evopwr »

Thats a good alternative, thankyou :)
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Re: Aquilo - Ammoniacal Solution bottleneck

Post by Daid »

It's one of the reasons my Aquilo base runs of solid fuel power instead of fusion power, it generates a ton of ice as byproduct, supplying most of the ice needing parts of the base and recycling the rest. Ice is much easier to get rid off then Ammonia.
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Re: Aquilo - Ammoniacal Solution bottleneck

Post by evopwr »

Ahhh! Thanks Daid, You mentioning power has made me realise where I am going wrong,
I am using the old school nuclear power (Fission) on Aquilo, shipping in the fuel - but of course this is using water/steam, all coming from the ice.
If I switched to the new fusion power, now that i've unlocked it, then that uses Ammonia instead.
ok, i'm an idiot. This thread can be closed/moved to gameplay help, haha. Sorry all
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Re: Aquilo - Ammoniacal Solution bottleneck

Post by Daid »

We all make mistakes and learn :) I've just realized I've been doing quality modules in normal assemblers instead of using the +50% productivity boost of many of the planet specific buildings...
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Re: Aquilo - Ammoniacal Solution bottleneck

Post by spacedog »

You can exploit this behavior to void any fluids you don't want. A single assembler, with a circuit toggling the ice platform recipe on/off every tick, will erase thousands of units of ammonia per second.

It would essentially break recipe switching involving fluids if they "fixed" this, so I can understand why it's not considered a bug... even if it's weird. Anyway, if you don't care about doing it the "right way", it's always an option. You could just tell yourself the assembler is pumping it all back down into the ocean. :D
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