... afef2b9817 - The Rail Junctions and Solar Fields are someone else's design, I just put them together
Yes, I know this is overly complicated and unnecessary, but I enjoy it for some reason. The idea to spread my megabase by laying those tiles one at a time. The Solar=Rail Tile is specifically designed so nothing needs to be deconstructed while it spreads like cancer. That's why the Solar=Rail Tile is a perfect mirror image of itself. You can spread it left, right, up, or down just by pasting it. Why I don't just deconstruct the walls? Because it's fun not too!
Anyway, the Solar-Rail Tile works fine, but I realized I can't get light oil into the flamethrowers without creating rail stops. I don't want rail stops, I want it to be continuous. So, I had an idea. Have the Solar=Rail Tile will be 3x3 with an empty tile in the middle. The center of the 3x3 will be a rail stop to deposit light oil. So for every 8 Solar=Rail Tiles, there will be on in the middle used for stopping and refilling light oil.
I need help connecting the side of the rails to the center without stopping, all while keeping everything a perfect mirror so I won't ever have to deconstruct anything.
Please Help me with this Design, my brain is breaking
Re: Please Help me with this Design, my brain is breaking
I'm gonna have nightmares about this blueprint..
If I understood correctly, the only way I can think to satify your request would be to modify the blueprint to create 4 breaches in the cardinal directions so that, when you place the central-station tile, the walls are already open to accomodate the new rails. Though, at this point, it would just be more efficient to make a bigger 3x3 blueprint including the station, so you are not forced to leave the walls open on every side.
May I suggest to put more rail signals (depending on train lenght) on the straight rails? Also (you probably already know but I'll say anyway), I would advice you to use underground pipes, as they waste less "pressure" and are generally better.
Oh another solution, which might be actually better: I just noticed you have your artillery fed by logistics bots, why not do the same for oil then? You just need to barrel it somewhere, have bots transport the barrels and have the oil unbarreled in each block (might need multiple unbarreling points due to high usage of normal pipes).
I have to say it one last time: those normal pipes.. please make them stop
If I understood correctly, the only way I can think to satify your request would be to modify the blueprint to create 4 breaches in the cardinal directions so that, when you place the central-station tile, the walls are already open to accomodate the new rails. Though, at this point, it would just be more efficient to make a bigger 3x3 blueprint including the station, so you are not forced to leave the walls open on every side.
May I suggest to put more rail signals (depending on train lenght) on the straight rails? Also (you probably already know but I'll say anyway), I would advice you to use underground pipes, as they waste less "pressure" and are generally better.
Oh another solution, which might be actually better: I just noticed you have your artillery fed by logistics bots, why not do the same for oil then? You just need to barrel it somewhere, have bots transport the barrels and have the oil unbarreled in each block (might need multiple unbarreling points due to high usage of normal pipes).
I have to say it one last time: those normal pipes.. please make them stop