Combinator help please

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Combinator help please

Post by MassiveDynamic »

Hello combinator geniuses,

I am looking for a 3...2...1... digital countdown with sounds (beep, beep, beep, boooop) and a christmas tree (like drag racing) display.

I am capable of some combinatorizations, but this one is baffling me.

Any and help is appreciated.
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Re: Combinator help please

Post by robot256 »

I don't have time to make the whole solution right now, but here's a hint. You need a counter (up or down) that starts and stops when you want the sequence to start and finish.

Then wire the counter to the Christmas tree and programmable speakers. The first light turns on when counter >= 60, second light when counter >= 120, etc. The fist speaker sounds when counter = 60, second speaker when counter=120, etc.

For displaying a number, divide the counter by 60 to get seconds. Either use a down-counter, or subtract the seconds from the length of the sequence to get a countdown. Then wire this to a Nixie Tube mod display, or a blueprint number display made from lamps.
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Re: Combinator help please

Post by MassiveDynamic »

Ok, I know how to do some of that, so I built this....

BUT, I can't figure out how to make it STOP after reaching "GO". It just keeps cycling. Also, I am not good with sounds so any help on better tones?

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Re: Combinator help please

Post by MassiveDynamic »

After some tinkering I got to this...

It's my convoluted solution (definitely imperfect), but I need to turn on the lower constant combinator until the tree lights go off to reset.

I would like the tree lights to be off by default. Then i turn on the countdown, then when it reaches "GO" it defaults to OFF.

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Re: Combinator help please

Post by robot256 »

A controllable counter can be made by connecting the input and output of a decider combinator. Set the decider to "if A<=480, output A=input count". Then wire a constant combinator to the input with a different color with A=1, so that every tick A=A+1 except for when A=480, whereupon A is reset to 1.

To make it stop counting, you replace that constant combinator with another decider reading the output of the first, set to "if A<=479, output A=1". That way, right before the first combinator resets, the second one turns off the "add one" signal and the first one gets stuck. (I might be off by one or two ticks/counts here.)

To jump start and reset to zero, you need a third module to force an extra A=1 into the first combinator. This could be a constant combinator that you manually switch, but once the main counter is jumpstarted it will be counting by 2s until you turn the manual one off again. The easiest solution is the Pushbutton mod. But you can also wire up a two-combinator "edge detector" to turn your manual combinator output into a single-tick-wide pulse.

Hope some of that made sense. Or maybe that's what you already figured out in your blueprints!
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Re: Combinator help please

Post by MassiveDynamic »

Actually, that is exactly the solution that I found. I am keeping it all vanilla, so mod options don't help.
So unless there's somebody out there with a better idea, I guess it's as good as it gets.

Other than the tones, I'm not happy with the tones.
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