Train schedule broken?

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Re: Train schedule broken?

Post by Tertius »

I did. The blueprint looks like this for me:
01-09-2025, 11-52-40.png
01-09-2025, 11-52-40.png (263.07 KiB) Viewed 73 times
It reported an import error for "atomic-artillery-shell", but since it's just some ammo, I didn't thought more about that. If there are more modded entities removed, please provide a blueprint without modded entities.
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Re: Train schedule broken?

Post by Tertius »

Ok, I thought about having to support a loop of outposts. The crucial point is to set L=0 (train limit) while a station is at an outpost and to signal the last station to the train, so the train will go to the refill station instead of the next outpost if it finished one loop.

The test setup looks like this:
(3.93 MiB) Downloaded 4 times

It works like this:
  • default schedule directs train to "Base v2" to fill inventory
  • The "Outpost v2" interrupt directs train to Outpost v2. It only triggers if the current station is connected to the (local) circuit network and is configured with "send to train", and if this way no [red cross] signal is provided. No station except the last station in the loop provides the [red cross] signal. This signals the last station in the line, so after the last station the train will go to the base instead of being again triggered for the outpost
  • All outpost stations MUST set their limit to 0 (L=0) while there is a train at the station. This is a requirement for the interrupt to make the train leave the current station. It's achieved by a combinator that checks the train ID. If train id T <> 0 it keeps L=0 and if train id T=0 it sets L=1. You can see this switching with the lamp. The train will always go to the next station in the loop, because the next station is the nearest with that name, and the train pathfinding algorithm always chooses the nearest station as next target.
  • The refill station also must be connected to some circuit and be set to "send to train". But it must no supply the [red cross] signal. Otherwise the initial interrupt will not trigger. To circumvent this, you could create a 2nd interrupt that doesn't have a circuit condition to trigger.
The actual loading and unloading is completely independent from that control. It's simulated with infinity chests and some random alibi unloading and has to be replaced with a real logic.
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Re: Train schedule broken?

Post by Muche »

Here is my first-iteration attempt - Wall Defense interrupt condition is Defense is not full (relies on stations disable themselves when full);
Supply interrupt condition is Defense is full or individual cargos are zero. Supply interrupt is also higher priority.

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