new player help list

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new player help list

Post by Narakashi »

Hi, im new and get easily overwhelm on this game so i would like to ask if someone can make a small list of objective. (exemple : first set up iron mining.)

in order so i dont get overwhelm i found one earlier today but it was pre space age.

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Re: new player help list

Post by Tinyboss »

The first science, red, needs a copper plate and an iron gear wheel. So set up copper mining and smelting and iron mining and smelting. Then you need to craft gears from iron plates, and science from those and copper plates. Build a lab and stick the science in. Go to the Technology tree and pick a research. You also need to get a small power plant up and running (offshore pump -> boiler -> steam generator) to power it.

You will have to do the crafting manually at the very beginning, but you want to automate it as soon as you can, after you've researched assemblers.

It's the same way for the rest of the game--if you're wondering what to do next, automate another science pack. Check its ingredients and work backward.

The other priority is biter defense. Don't neglect building turrets and ammo, and research the bullet damage and shooting speed upgrades when you can.
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Re: new player help list

Post by Tertius »

The goal of Factorio is to build a factory, so you're able to do research, so you're able to build more sophisticated items, you you're able to build a more sophisticated factory, so you're able to do research for more sophisticated items, and so on until you researched everything.

So do this:
- press T to see the research window.
- determine what you could research next. Green is what you already researched, red is what you cannot research until you researched other research first, and yellow/orange is what you could research
- every research shows a list of colored bottles called science packs required for this research
- every research also shows which items or feature it will unlock.

So your goal is to find a research for some useful item whose science packs you are able to craft.
- to craft science packs, you need some items
- so craft these items, then craft the science packs.
- most items help with automating the crafting, so strive to research these items, then craft them, then use them.
- your first important goal is to research automation, so you can automate crafting.
- research itself is done through labs. Some research also unlocks automatically if you craft some linked item a number of times.

There is a tree of dependencies you need to fulfill, until you're able to do something.

For example research itself:
For research, you need to craft a lab. To craft a lab, you need to craft its ingredients. After your successfully crafted a lab, you need electric power so the lab actually works. To get electric power, you need a power infrastructure, so you need to craft a power pole, a steam machine, a boiler, an offshore pump (for getting water) and probably a few pipes. In the early game stage, some "tips and tricks" articles pop up once in a while and try to explain new items you get access to.

Everything after that evolves around what you unlock next through research and is in general always the same schema.

At some point you researched and built enough to send a rocket to space, and the game adds a few more mechanics to get along with space travel and visiting other planets. But that's an advanced topic.
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