Hi, despite having over 1k hours in-game, I've barely even touched circuit networks. With the release of Space Age circuit networks are a must for Space Platforms from what I've seen and I need help configuring settings.
To start off, I'm trying to ship resources from multiple planets using very little platforms (2 in total; 1 cargo 1 science) and want to set up the cargo landing pad on Nauvis to only request an item if it falls below a certain value in storage (ex. Only ship Calcite if total storage is below 2.5k). I've gotten what looks to be somewhat correct:
Constant combinator set to - value + logistics > decider combinator [if Calcite is less than 0, request 1] > arithmatic combinator [take value * 5000] > Cargo landing pad [set to Set Requests].
Is this a correct way of doing so, and how do I receive this request on my space platform so it moves to Vulcanus, pick up the 5k Calcite and ship it back to Nauvis? I don't want to, for the moment, set up a space platform for every planet to ship resources back to Nauvis.
Space Platforms and Circuit Networks
Re: Space Platforms and Circuit Networks
As I am 8 days late I imagine you already know, but incase anyone else stumbles here on a search the method described does indeed work. The only caveat to this is that Im fairly certain this modified request list is impossible to send to a platform. It would seem the only way to have anything "send" to a platform is to have the same request group in the landing bay as you have in the platform, and I cannot see a way to have a circuit modify a group itself.
It looks like what alot of people are doing is having the request set like you did for the landing bay where the landing bay asks for a modified version of the request list, and then having the platform using the unmodified request list. The ship will ending up holding a lot more items than needed, but will only drop what the planet wants.
Make sure if you go this route to be smart about minimum rocket capacity settings. Something like plastic I believe has a minimum rocket size of 1k, so if the ship has 900 plastic when it resupplies, the planet will send up 1k plastic. This may or may not be an issue depending on the inventory size of your ship and the number of items you are requesting. I was running into problems with platform capacity and the ship getting stuck at a planet because it did not have the inventory to fullfill the request.
It looks like what alot of people are doing is having the request set like you did for the landing bay where the landing bay asks for a modified version of the request list, and then having the platform using the unmodified request list. The ship will ending up holding a lot more items than needed, but will only drop what the planet wants.
Make sure if you go this route to be smart about minimum rocket capacity settings. Something like plastic I believe has a minimum rocket size of 1k, so if the ship has 900 plastic when it resupplies, the planet will send up 1k plastic. This may or may not be an issue depending on the inventory size of your ship and the number of items you are requesting. I was running into problems with platform capacity and the ship getting stuck at a planet because it did not have the inventory to fullfill the request.