Virtual signals: Read fuel

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Thu Oct 31, 2024 9:42 pm

Virtual signals: Read fuel

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I've seen that there are a few virtual signals that provide data of the connected machines, per example, with the reactor or the heating tower if you enable the "Read temperature" it outputs the current temperature on the "T" signal.

The problem is that it seems that there is not a virtual signal for the "Fuel bar" that is on every machine that works with fuel. I want to automate the insertion of items on these things by doing this logic:

Code: Select all

IF Temperature < 600º AND Fuel <=0% THEN 
	GREEN VIRTUAL SIGNAL = 1 (Connected to the inserter enable)
With heating towers this is something that doesn't bother me much as the fuel is consumed almost instantly and the temp increases pretty fast, but I wanted to do this with my reactors in order to use them to heat the surface.

Anyone know a way to read the fuel value? I can't just detect if "FUEL CELL" <= 0 because it would insert a new fuel cell while it is still heating up and has not reached the configured temperature (First cell would be consumed inmediatelly but another fuel cell would be inserted as the slot would be empty)

EDIT: Nevermind... I've seen that if the red fuel bar is not empty it detects as if there were a fuel cell inside, it just works... I am dumb as fuck lol.
11-05-2024, 20-46-50.png
11-05-2024, 20-46-50.png (412.05 KiB) Viewed 453 times
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