Filter inserter ?
Filter inserter ?
Ive just started to play Factorio : Spaceage and have researched the blue and purple inserters.While the BLUE inserter is showing up on my construct menu ('E") the PURPLE inserter is NOT showing up so i can't use this inserter.In the OLD version there was no problem .Im assuming this is a new bug ?
Re: Filter inserter ?
There is no purple inserter anymore. All inserters can filter items now.
Re: Filter inserter ?
Thankyou.I was unaware of that.
Re: Filter inserter ?
There is a picture of the PURPLE and BLUE together on research page.But no more purple inserter
The Purple inserter is DEAD.Long live the Purple inserter
The Purple inserter is DEAD.Long live the Purple inserter
Re: Filter inserter ?
Long live the filter burner inserter!