I learning lots about factorio and have just finished setting up stations that calculate the train limit based on the number of goods in stock so that trains only visit these stations when there is enough to fill the train (and trains don't wait at nearly empty slow-producing mines). Pretty pleased with that but now onto the next challenge...
I want to setup remote defence installations. i.e. I have a mine that I want to set up an artillery gun at and have some defences. I want to have 1 station that can accept oil or ammunition or maybe logistics bots (what is being accepted doesn't really matter). How can I request that an oil train will go to my remote base when the oil gets low but an ammunition train doesn't?
Using my current knowledge the way I would set this up is I would have 2 train routes defined on a number of trains:
- ammo factory -> holding area -> remote base -> holding area
- oil refinery -> holding area -> remote base -> holding area
I have tried to do some research on this and have seen posts about using the logic network to control signals but I can't see how that would work...
I assume that I would get the id of the train that I wanted and only allow that train to pass the signals? How do I get the ID? what if I have 1 ammo train going to remote base 1 and I have an oil train going to remote base 2 - I would need to allow both at some signals and only 1 at other signals. How do I prevent the stopped trains from blocking the track for other trains??
I suspect that what I am trying to do might not be possible or easy without mods.
Any help much appreciated