How to create a Dynamic Train station

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Burner Inserter
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How to create a Dynamic Train station

Post by Afroman »

Hi All!

My factory have a HUGE storage area where I dump stuff from my inventory when it gets to crowded.
All these resourcesare of better use somewhere in the factory.

How do How do I create a Dynamic trainstation that can provide all the content of the storage area?
LTN will make sure to create the request.
The solution I'm been trying to push is to have a requesters with filter inserters load the train when it gets there. But this raises several problems:
- Some Inserters are always left holding a resource that then ends up in the next train.
- Its not clear how to best catch the signal that tells the requesters and inserters what resource to get.
- Once the train leaves the requesters need to be emptied.

I'm pretty certain someone already solved this but I cannot find a good solution.

all BOB and Angel

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Re: How to create a Dynamic Train station

Post by robot256 »

The solution to the inserters problem is to use the LTN "locked slots" feature, so that LTN intentionally underfills each wagon.

The LTN stop combinator should output a signal for the requested item. Wire that to filter inserters to load the train, each configured to set filters by the circuit network.

As long as your entire trash heap is in a chest directly adjacent to the train, it will work. It might help to use a warehouse mod.

Burner Inserter
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Re: How to create a Dynamic Train station

Post by Afroman »

Thanks, i think this is what I need. Locked slots per wagon.
Problem is I dont know how to use it.

You can connect wires to three different components in a LTN train stop: The lamp, the station output combinator and the station itself.
So I have tried to connect my constant combinator in turn to each of them sending the Locked slots per wagon signal set to three. Expecting to the inserters to stop inserting once the there are three slots left. But in each try the trains gets completely filled and the inserters have stuff that they insert into the the next train.

So What Am I doing wrong?
To which component do I sent the signal?

THanks in advance!

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Re: How to create a Dynamic Train station

Post by robot256 »

LTN station setting signals are received from the Lamp component of the stop (the same place you send items available/requested). Also double check the mod settings in case I forgot about something there.

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Re: How to create a Dynamic Train station

Post by DaleStan »

Afroman wrote:
Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:14 pm
Expecting to the inserters to stop inserting once the there are three slots left.
You have to specifically tell the inserters to stop inserting once the wagon (or train) is full enough. I'd look at how you're doing this, and make sure that the inserter conditions/filters are set correctly.

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