What I don't understand is the logic for this. An easier example (and to explain why I don't see this as useful) - say I have 10 belts in a box the combi is hooked up to read it. The condition is IF belts =10 then then TRUE. If I set the output to 1 and stone then this works as you intutively expect, it outputs 1 stone. However, if you change this to still be stone and set it as "input count", nothing is outputted. This is because it tries to get the count of STONE from the input signal and NOT the count of the input signal ((which is exactly what the tooltip says btw!) which is the belts)). Since there is no stone on the input, rather than output the count 10, it outputs 0. This is very unintuitive and I can't understand how this would even be useful. Why not have the logic in the way I THOUGHT it worked? Not saying my opinion is any better, but it is the way everyone would intutively think it worked.Let's say I had the output of the first Arithmetic Combinator (B=10) hooked up to the input of the Decider Combinator, with the condition of "B > 5", and an output of "C = Input Count". I was expecting that because B=10 (and is therefore greater than 5), that C would be output with the count of B - but this is wrong. What actually happens is, C gets output with the input count of C, which in this case is 0, thus nothing happens. If I was to switch the output to "A = Input Count", then I would be getting A=10 on the decider output, provided the input was connected to the same input source as the arithmetic combinator.
Can someone give a example of how this way is better than what you would intutively think it would do?