If I want to move a lane to the different lane, it basically only works on slow belts. You can't saturate a red belt.

You can even try to split it but it doesn't work. You need 3 splitter, possibly because the splitter is to slow.

And about the idea that splitter are fast: Here you see that on a fast belt the splitter causes the input to bunch up. So I do think a fast splitter is needed. Or the splitter could work fast.

So what we need is a Fast Splitter, like the old one only faster. We need a lane splitter that Outputs the left and right lane of an input to 2 different belts. And a lane merger that outputs one belt to one lane.
Also. can someone recommend some way to balance several fast inputs. That is you have one or more input lanes that are full fast belts. And you want to put them on a fast output: