I've discovered a possible issue with the station counting mechanism.
It reports 3 stations, but I only have 2 stations with that name. (middle top & bottom right of image 2)
Trains seem to properly respect that there are only 2 stations.
Station count incorrect
Re: Station count incorrect
I can see one more "Crude Drop Off" in the north.
You can get a better overview yourself: Go into the "Train" dialog (key "O"), select "Stations" tab and filter for "Crude Drop Off".
You can get a better overview yourself: Go into the "Train" dialog (key "O"), select "Stations" tab and filter for "Crude Drop Off".
Author of: Factorio Blueprint Decoder
Re: Station count incorrect
Oh, you are right, there is a station I had forgotten about in the middle of the map. It's set to 0 train limit which explains the train behavior.