1.1 Train Stop UI change, how to see connected trainstops now?

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1.1 Train Stop UI change, how to see connected trainstops now?

Post by -Holo- »

Since they changed the Train Stop UI in 1.1 I can no longer see a list of all stations the trains are using, only the tiles with the trains it is possible to get back that old function?

How I used to do:
I have 55+ copper mine stations, and a central dump station with 8 stations with the same name, currently using 35-something of the mining stations. (copper Mine 1, Copper Mine 2 etc)
In the Old UI I could just click on the dumpstation, and see a list of what target stations were assigned to trains going to the dumpstation and see how high the count was and easily send new train to a unused mining station.

With the current UI all I see is a large bloated tiles with all trains and where they are heading, not what stations are connected to them :(
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Re: 1.1 Train Stop UI change, how to see connected trainstops now?

Post by bormand »

Filter the "trains" tab by dump station name, probably?

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Burner Inserter
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Re: 1.1 Train Stop UI change, how to see connected trainstops now?

Post by -Holo- »

Thank you!
I can honestly say I never ever used that part of the UI before!
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