While creating blueprints for my next Megabase after v1.0 release I struggle with the fluid system. More or less i would say.
(I coudn't find a better place to post this, so feel free to move if there is a better location for this.)
First of all the pumps:
I couldn't find a single way to pump at the maximum rate of 12k/s, a Pump to Pump for example has a throuput of 6k/s. However, thats not quite important but i am curious to get a solution for this, just to prove that the Wiki isn't wrong in that fact.
But the real part just begin, it is well known that with increasing Pipelength the pump rate decreases in an exponential fashion (more or less according to the friction and resulting pressuredrop like described by Poiseuille's law). The Wiki states that the fluid flow depends on the fluid level in the pipe entities and thus can by considered as pressures in the entities. We know from fluidmecanics and thermodynamics that systems which are not in equillibria tend to balance themselves. Hence a pressure gradient results in a flow or in other words if there is a source like water pump or oil well the fluid flows from that location to an assambler or whatever other drain there is.
Now the deal, in the picture below everything is fine except for the most right and the most left pipe/pump layout. Beginning with the layout on the right, can anybody give an physical reason why the upper pipe entity have a higher fluid level (37.5) than the lower (31.3).
Same for the left layout, from upper to lower pipe entity the fluid levels are 37.5 / 31.3 / 100.
However all fluid levels in pipe entities infront of a pump are higher than the fluid level in a pipe entity in front of that.
Now underground pipes. Uhh they are strange... really... I mean that they count always as a pipe of length 2 is not in question. Looking at the following: Beginning with the left layout which is pump - pipe - undergound - pump there are a few possible fluid level states. The Pump rate is 2250/s for all pumps left as well as right.
To maintain the order from upper pipe to lower pipe entity the fluid levels can be as follows from left to right:
- 37.5 / 31.3 / 62.5
37.5 / 31.3 / 100
37.5 / 31.3 / 100
37.5 / 31.3 / 100
37.5 / 31.3 / 100
37.5 / 31.3 / 62.5
37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
- 37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
37.5 / 68.8 / 62.5
37.5 / 31.3 / 62.5
37.5 / 31.3 / 62.5
37.5 / 31.3 / 100
Lets get to flowing direction.
Maybe someone wondered what or if there is a preferred flowing direction since from a pipe entity there are 3 different ways to flow.
Indeed, there are preferred flowing directions. From a source to a pump, the left is preffered and the only one which pumps at all at 6k/s.
This behavior changes with more pipes between the source and the pump, for one pipe its still the Left pump which pumps the most but straight and right get a bit of fluid as well. The pump rates are from Left over straight to right: 1800/s, 1080/s and 117/s.
For 2 pipes: 1127/s, 1502/s, 362/s and for 3 pipes 1367/s, 1119/s, 498/s.
This is for my understanding logical because one entity have to be updated as first, so one way should always be preferred. However it's not always the same order of update?
But it gets even more strange. The rotation of tanks also have an significant influence of the flow direction.
Beginning with the tanks which fills fastest:
Left side: straight / left / right
Right side: left / straight / right
And why? Can it be of any use?
Just one more, the reason why I was curious in the first place.
So throuput is everything in late game, so waht about placing pumps and pipes next to each other.
Not speaking of the fluid levels of the pipes in this layout, because that's just as confusing as in the previous example the pump rates are more interesting.
Notice, that the lower 3 infinity pipes are all sources.
The pumprates of the 4 pumps in the most left layout are as follows:
2250 / 2250
2250 / 750
Second from the left:
2250 / 1875
750 / 1425
Second from the right (luckily the state for a standard 12 beacon design):
2250 / 2250
2250 / 750
And last the most right layout:
2250 / 1875
750 / 1425
Those 2 states alternate for longer underground pipe distances.
What is going on here?
Do anyone, and I am absolutly curious about this, have a clue how the fluid system really works?
I do wish you all a happy 1.0 release weekend
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif)