i need a storager bigger

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i need a storager bigger

Post by plussantana »

i need a storager bigger (o un <arrays> de cofres para almacenar grandes cantidades de recursos y poder distribuirlas. pregunto alguien me puede decir como hacer esto.
necesito que se me explique el siguiente caso:
tengo varios cofres proveedores pasivos (logisticos)
want to do:
quiero distribuir parcialmente el contenido en varios cofres y a la vez volverlos a
distribuir ) a cofres solicitadores logisticos pero cuando pido en algun lado de que forma el solicita los recursos a los cofres paivos?
para despues seguir parcializando el proceso
no me importa si lleva conexiones de redes de circuitos.
Any idea?
translate please because my translater is broken
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Re: i need a storager bigger

Post by xfir01 »

(or a <arrays> chests to store large amounts of resources and be able to distribute them. I ask someone can tell me how to do this.
I also
need to be explained
the following case: I have
several passive
(logistic) supplier chests want to do:
I want to partially distribute the contents in several chests and at the same time distribute them again ) to logistic chests but when I ask somewhere for what form the resources to the pallets?
and then continue to
bias the process I don't care if it has circuit network connections.
Any ideas?
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Re: i need a storager bigger

Post by xfir01 »

Sounds like you're wanting Storage chests and active providers?

Active provider chests want to be empty and move their contents to storage chests where they can be redistributed to requester chests.

¿Suena como si quisieras cofres de almacenamiento y proveedores activos?

Los cofres de proveedores activos desean estar vacíos y mover sus contenidos a cofres de almacenamiento donde pueden redistribuirse a los cofres de los solicitantes.
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Re: i need a storager bigger

Post by Honktown »

A buffer can chest can be used with inserters. It will be filled from passive providers and active providers.
I have mods! I guess!
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Re: i need a storager bigger

Post by mergele »

Do I understand correctly that you want to distribute contents from passive provider chests to other provider chests?
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Re: i need a storager bigger

Post by plussantana »

For example: I have 10 containers (1 and 6 are passive suppliers). I want to partially distribute the chest 1 to 5 and not in an equitable way but by uses (main and secondary branches) then I want to put 6 to 10 other elements but also divided into 2 branches (main and secondary).
This is the big problem: that having another passive supplier chest (apart from these 10), the productions are intermingled and taken from the ones I am using in other processes
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Re: i need a storager bigger

Post by plussantana »

the only solution that I see to that is by way of programming and this is a bit difficult to understand, but I don't see any practical solution, instantaneously in a simple way I don't see the solution mechanically. Any suggestions to do this? send me a picture.
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Re: i need a storager bigger

Post by mergele »

I am still not sure I understand your goal exactly. You want to sort the items in a cluster of chest in such a way that certain chests contain certain types of items? If so (unless you are using buffer chests, which apparently you aren't) why aren't you simply sorting the input lines to those chests?
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Re: i need a storager bigger

Post by plussantana »

Thanks for all. Ya entendi el mecanismo como es
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