Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

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Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by welryba »

I wonder if there is a way to combine automatic and manual trains together to avoid crashes. The whole problem is that automated trains stop on red signals, but manual ones do not, and after extensive searching, I'm not aware of any way to instruct them to do so.

What I actually need is to make the following crossing of horizontal manual railway and vertical automated railway safe for both types of trains.


I already have a large grid of manual rails in order to move quickly through the factory, but I have not used automatic trains so far. However, I got to a point where automatic trains would come really handy and I'm looking for a way how to indtroduce them


I am aware of the following topic: Manual trains stop at signals, but I does not propose a solution, only a workaround to use an automated train to move between stations using the "go to station" mode. I don't see it as a handy solution, as I would need to build hundreds of stations across the map just to move myself.

I have also investigated a solution mentioned in the Rail Crossing thread, but I see no way to modify the solution to work with trains. I'm able to make a solution that closes the gate when an automatic train gets into the crossing, but the manual train would crash into the gate in the full speed anyway.

I wonder how do you combine these types of trains? I'm sure there must be some other solution or something ;) I wonder why automated trains ignore red signals by default, much more comfortable behavior would be to stop manual trains on red signal while holding the "move up" key. After release and second push of the "move up" key, train could ignore the red signal and move into the occupied area on users explicit demand.

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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by eradicator »

0.17 introduced "temporary stations" to solve this. Simple enter the train, and hold CTRL while left clicking any point on the rail network. The train will then automatically go there and delete the station after arriving. So you don't need to actually set up physical stations anymore if you don't want to.

Other than that: "Manual mode" is simply that, it's not "semi-automatic mode" so it gives full control to the user.
welryba wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2019 9:00 am
I wonder how do you combine these types of trains?
Most people simply don't. It's not well supported, so "we" simply build a network of personal train stops. Often these will be needed anyway because parking a manual train in the middle of a rail while i go on a walk would otherwise block the rail for all other trains - as opposed to a proper "parking bay".
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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by Serenity »

That's also signaled wrong. You want a chain signal before the crossing and a normal one after.

For personal trains I like the shuttle train mod:
Though as said, vanilla now has a workable alternative to it

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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by welryba »

All right, thanks for suggestions, I will try fully automated trains and temporary stations, it is an acceptable solution. And I will fix the crossing signals ;)

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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by mergele »

A possible solution would be gates that close if signal is red and so the manual train just "stops" by hitting them. You'd have to have repair roboports set up and supplied at every crossing though for long-term.

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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by eradicator »

mergele wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:42 pm
A possible solution would be gates that close if signal is red and so the manual train just "stops" by hitting them. You'd have to have repair roboports set up and supplied at every crossing though for long-term.
An average 2L-6C at full speed can drive through an array of gates about three times it's own length (170+ gates). Here's a really old gif i once made:
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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by mergele »

Alright it might not be a practical solution, but this is Factorio and practicality is not always required. Just imagine how cool it would be to stop a train by ramming it through 160 gates just because you can't be bothered to slow down...
Now I have to find a spot somewhere in my base to build this.

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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by mrvn »

I think the best way with 0.17 is to not drive manually. Instead use the temporary stations when you want to go somewhere. I find it actually easier except when I need to go backwards.

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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by Pandrosos »

If you want to drive manually you can use the circuit network to make things more human-friendly. You can read the status of rail signals and use that to control lamps and speakers that are more visible, and set up warning lights ahead of the signal itself for when you're driving at speed (like how real railways have yellow and double-yellow signals).

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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by theolderbeholder »

Pandrosos wrote:
Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:38 pm
make things more human-friendly.
Machines kill puny organics. To me, this is "works as designed".
The factory grows.

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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by Selvek »

Hmm... sounds to me like the problem here is that you're not a good enough driver ;) I mean, hey, that's what "manual" means, right? :lol:

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Re: Safe way to combine manual and automatic trains?

Post by Optera »

To drive trains in busy networks you just have to git gud :P

Or use automated trains like those of us who like chilling while enjoying the ride.

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