This happens very regularly when they start an attack in bulk, then 1 biter get stuck by a power pole, he starts attacking it until its gone - and it doesn't matter if the way is free 1-2 seconds later, when he starts attacking it he will stay and attack it until the end.
This is very annoying because no power pole leads to => no power in outpost => Laser guns not firing => outpost get's overrun by aliens.

Even when i immediately hop into a train to fix the pole problem, most of the time it's already too late then... (i'm playing railworld and my outposts can be very far away - and i'm also not here to manually fix pole problems all the time...)
How do you guys handle this problem?
Sure, there are always solutions like independent power supply for all outposts or massive guns & walls along the railway but all of this sounds very impractical for me. Isn't there a good solution for this problem?