Belt Balancing / Usage Issue

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Re: Belt Balancing / Usage Issue

Post by mrvn »

ColonelSandersLite wrote:
mrvn wrote:Your arrays do not consume full belts.
I said nearly.

Notice what's left on the belt between split 1 and 2? 4 plates. That's not even close to just using half a belt.

Did you notice the seconds timer in that circuit? 1.2k seconds. 20 Minutes. The arrays ran for about 10 minutes prior to starting the circuit in order to fully stabilize. The accumulation you see at the end is just a few stray plates that accumulated over the course of about half an hour. A minor tuning issue that was overlooked in favor of an expedient example. Array A took just a couple of minutes to fully back up the way it did.

I'm still not particularly sure what you point is. The point of the demonstration was to show that simply shunting iron from one half of the belt onto the other half can help bus throughput in some situations. You don't seem to be contesting the point.

Honestly, I suspect this is just a language barrier issue.
I'm not contesting the point. I'm just saying that your fix is only partial. Your arrays A draws completely unbalanced. Your array B draws nearly balanced.

But all that shows is that drawing unbalanced from the belt is a problem. And that happens. Even with your rebalancing after the split the consumption is still uneven. In a real setup consumers will often be backed up and only part of a branch will run. Consumption will be more uneven than your array B even with the fix. The right way to handle this is to fix it at the bus so that it can cope with uneven draws.

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