Factorio Train Tutorial

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Factorio Train Tutorial

Post by Xeteth »

Over the past couple of weeks Colonelwill and I have spent some time putting this train tutorial together to help out those that are new in the Factorio community. This tutorial is aimed at teaching the basics about trains in Factorio and then moves into some more complex theory as well. Topics covered include basic track laying, train scheduling, basic signals, chain signals, station design, intersection design, train configurations and also includes common tips for troubleshooting.

We hope that this video helps in understanding trains in Factorio. If you have any further questions please don't hesistate to leave a comment in this thread (picures help a LOT in troubleshooting train questions!) or come and ask over at Colonelwills Stream where we encourage any questions regarding gameplay (don't worry if the questions seem 'noob'; we are here to help!).

Factorio Train Tutorial by Colonelwill and Xeteth
(4.87 MiB) Downloaded 109 times

Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: Factorio Train Tutorial

Post by FRodrigues »

Awesome guide and thanks for the save it really helped me a lot!
I don't know why this is not a stick post!

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