Help with unloading station

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Burner Inserter
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Help with unloading station

Post by fsponholz »

Hi there.

I have a train system transporting ore to where my main base will be built. I've seen that the ideal design is 7 unloading inserters per wagon. and I've built this design based on NegatveRoot's unloading train station, but one of the inserters isn't working.

Here it is:


Some help on how to fix this would be appreciated.

PS: I use trains 1-4 if that's any use.

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Re: Help with unloading station

Post by Vin »

If you're going to use 7 inserters per wagon, you can't have a space between them.

Train hitboxes are a bit tempermental. When you remove the space, watch which inserters are taking from which wagons. Some wagons will have 7, some will have 6, and some will have 8.

Burner Inserter
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Re: Help with unloading station

Post by fsponholz »

OK thanks

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