Portable fusion reactor Power Output

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Portable fusion reactor Power Output

Post by Ranakastrasz »

I did some quick calculations, and have determined that my fusion reactor dose not output the advertised 750 watts of power. It is less than 600 watts, based on 5 basic shield modules running at full speed.

I read the tooltip, and it says "Maximum Power Output, 750w"
This begs the question, what determines it's output? It is not a solar panel, although it might have copied that behavior. I was thinking it might use something from your inventory to function, but there is no documentation.
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Re: Portable fusion reactor Power Output

Post by DaveMcW »

Are you sure all 5 shields are running?

https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... =18&t=1943
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Re: Portable fusion reactor Power Output

Post by Ranakastrasz »

No, I am not certain. I was aware of that, due to my observation that batteries only drain once it goes through several shield layers. (perhaps a segmented shield bar should be added, will suggest)

The thing to note is that I had one fusion reactor, 3 batteries (or so) and 5 T1 shield modules. Each t1 shield module, according to the tooltip, uses 120 watts, and that totals 600 watts. The fusion reactor claims to produce 750 watts maximum. Hence, even were all 5 shields recharging, the batterys should never have even been touched. They did however start draining, which implies something screwy was going on.
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Re: Portable fusion reactor Power Output

Post by Rahjital »

I have noticed the same thing. Power Armor MK1 with 1 fusion generator, 5 MK1 shields, 1 MK1 battery and the rest of the slots filled with solar panels still drained the battery once all shields got empty during the day. At first I thought the problem was with shields draining additional power when recharging, but after some checking it doesn't seem to be that way. Perhaps this belongs to bug reports?
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