I wondered many times... how does the factory in the splash screen look like? There's buildings that don't exist in the game, and lots of the things don't make sense at all. Also, it seems like the photo was taken from some angle that you don't normally look at in the game (judging by the storage tanks. Only 2 ways to turn it, but the metal pipes at the top won't fit on the same angle. Also, the substations model was changed recently, that's why they look so different.
Of course, I'm not the first person to try and recreate it... can anyone else show me a much better example?
factorio splash screen recreation?
Re: factorio splash screen recreation?
Clearly a new ultra advanced oil processing recipe! No other explanation with the mixed input output storage seems possible. 

Re: factorio splash screen recreation?
[Koub] Moving this to Fan Art subforum 
Nice job OP

Nice job OP
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
Re: factorio splash screen recreation?
thanks for moving it but it's not art... I was just wondering if someone could show me a much better recreation of the splash screen.
As for the pipes going in the oil rafinery... they make no sense, the perspective makes it difficult to see where things are going. Which reminds me... the graphics are prerendered but technically all the buildings were 3D models, so why can't we get a first person perspective of the game? Wouldn't it be interesting? There's a game ''theme park world'' which is kinda like that, look it up. Also battlezone 2 or hostile waters.
As for the pipes going in the oil rafinery... they make no sense, the perspective makes it difficult to see where things are going. Which reminds me... the graphics are prerendered but technically all the buildings were 3D models, so why can't we get a first person perspective of the game? Wouldn't it be interesting? There's a game ''theme park world'' which is kinda like that, look it up. Also battlezone 2 or hostile waters.
Re: factorio splash screen recreation?
You have expressed your creativity to create your own interpretation of Factorio's Splash Screen, with ingame engine.
It's much more a form of art than some others commonly categorized as art
What can I say ? You're an artist
It's much more a form of art than some others commonly categorized as art

What can I say ? You're an artist

Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
Re: factorio splash screen recreation?
I looked a while, the only thing I found was a third oil pump (or at least the top beam) in front of the two others. Well done.
The picture is quite old, and becoming more nostalgic. And as seen in fff 236, it is hard to intentionally make spaghetti. I think logic was never intended, since it introduces repetition and boreness, this is pure machine chaos, and therefor easier to show different entities. The real how, why (and will it..) is only guessing, perhaps it could be a fff subject in a boring bug fix week.
Lol, you could upload it as a scenario, it looks like a al dente challenge to make this mess work.
The picture is quite old, and becoming more nostalgic. And as seen in fff 236, it is hard to intentionally make spaghetti. I think logic was never intended, since it introduces repetition and boreness, this is pure machine chaos, and therefor easier to show different entities. The real how, why (and will it..) is only guessing, perhaps it could be a fff subject in a boring bug fix week.
Lol, you could upload it as a scenario, it looks like a al dente challenge to make this mess work.
Re: factorio splash screen recreation?
The only things I see missing are the con bots, on the upper left part of the splash screen 

Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.