Make Gleba unlock depend on yellow pack or power armor

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Make Gleba unlock depend on yellow pack or power armor

Post by h.q.droid »

Went to Gleba first. Had to load a save and pack a Power Armor MK2 (still done Gleba before the other two planets). I actually ended up enjoying Gleba and the spoiling mechanic but now looking back from the solar edge, I think it's really unfriendly for someone who rushed white packs on a small base.

The planet is beautiful, the fruits are scarce, base spots with easy access to both fruits are even more scarce. All factors encourage exploration, and exploration leads to stompers. I barely outran them with 3 exoskeletons. And there won't be enough time to ship stuff in *after* aggroing a stomper and realizing that you're probably better off packing a few cannon shells. With a good power armor, everything became smoother.

Overall I think the content is great, but unlocking it too early can spoil the fun. Tech dependency change won't ruin bases anyway.
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Re: Make Gleba unlock depend on yellow pack or power armor

Post by Yoyobuae »

A tank is more than enough to deal with enemies on Gleba, and that only needs up to chemical science pack.
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