Items that can not be exclusively crafted on the space station get deleted if they are on a belt when it is removed; such as fuel cells, carbon fiber, bioflux, ag science packs, ect. The game does not really "care" if the item can be crafted on the platform, only that they are non-buildable. With the current situation it is possible to become stuck in space.
If your only power source was nuclear and you happened to move the belt containing your fuel to reorganize the layout, your power would be cut off rather quickly as all your fuel cells just vanished. Unless you had extensive automation on the ground or backup solar, you would be stuck. Even with all that automation on the ground you would still have to ship fuel from another planet, drop it off on the ground, launch it back to the "shutdown" ship.
At the very least this would waste significant amounts of time, on something that the player did not expect to happen. I personally did not notice this occurs until I accidentally deleted a few belts with a bunch of fuel cells on them.
Currently this is the only location in the game where items are lost if they are not carefully removed from the belt or building via an inserter. This is in direct opposition to how the rest of the game handles this situation.
There are a couple solution that can be done to bring this closer to what everyone is familiar with in the game.
- Migrate all items to the hub, not just buildable entities, when something is removed
or at the very least
- Whitelist items with at least one ingredient that is not from an asteroid so they go to the hub