You should be able to rotate placed car

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Long Handed Inserter
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You should be able to rotate placed car

Post by imTheSupremeOne »

Car controls in Factorio are somewhat hard, and turns require both space and takes a time, so in most cases you are taking back your car or tank in your pocket, and placing it back, rotated the way you need to...

And I see this as a problem — because why do you use Rocket and Nuclear fuel as you constantly breaking and replacing car, and thus constantly wasting great amount of fuel energy?.. And people feel bad about wastes.

You can say that this encourages people to plan bases with car roads... but I think it rather don't use car at a base at all. I think it would be more encouraging to build some paths if car were simpler to use, and this would also justify investments in middle game into making Rocket Fuel to get those sweet 180% acceleration.
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