Fluid wagons and barrels need attention.
While playing multiplayer or watching streams, I have often stumbled upon those people. You know the ones I refer to : "Hey, so why do you keep on using fluid wagons ? Barrel are so much better !". Yes. Or I mean, no. They are, strictly speaking, able to carry much more liquid. But fluid wagons look way cooler, it is their only purpose to carry liquid, and I feel like I would deprive them of their life's endeavour if I didn't use them.
Plus, I don't find any fun in managing the number of barrels in wagons, stations and producing heaps of barrels (and yes, I do enjoy playing Factorio otherwise, thank you

Now fluid wagons are being made even more silly. Only one liquid type, and less quantity. Barrels are a no-brainer, efficiency wise. And while I would not convert to using them over wagons, even if they were a hundred times more efficient, I feel like this present situation is a real issue.
My thoughts are as follows :
- I would totally be fine with fluid wagons carrying only one liquid, and less quantity, if it just means you can add more wagons to your train. You want 3 liquids ? You make a 3-wagon train. You want more liquid ? You make a 6-wagon train. But the mass of each wagon needs to be decreased. Decreased big time. To be honest, I always felt like having 1 fluid wagon was plenty, since it contained so much liquid, and I was frustrating at having only 1 fluid wagon per train. So yes, by all means, reduce the quantity of liquid a wagon can hold. But make them lighter, way lighter
- I also like the idea of having 2 separate fluid wagon types : 1 with only 1 tank, 1 with 3 tanks. This is clearer for the player, and preserves functionality
- Barrels should definitely be nerfed. Because fluid wagons are being nerfed, and it should scale. Because, even before the nerf, barrels were stealing the show for fluid wagons. Because, intrinsically, barrels hold too much liquid and allow for a ludicrous throughput compared to other aspects of the game (production, belts, consumption...). Barrels should get a major nerf
I really see barrels as a temporary, low-scale way to carry liquids, either on short distance, small volumes or both.
So, what's your take on the fluid wagon / barrels revamp ?