I don't know why I bothered to make these. Nor do I know why I'm bothering to post about it. Maybe someone will find them interesting.
All icons are saved at a resolution of 128x128 pixels. Oddly enough, most of them are still recognizable when scaled down to Factorio's native 32x32.
-----Left to right, top to bottom:-----
Row 1: Ores
- Clay - Coal - Copper - Diamond - Gold - Iron - Lead - Plutonium - Salt - Sand - Stone - Sulfur - Tungsten - Uranium - Wood -
Row 2: Refined
- Ceramic Tile - Copper Ingot - Diamond Pane - Glass Pane - Gold Ingot - Iron Plate - Lead Plate - Plastic Rod - Plutonium Fuel Rod - Rubber Roll - Steel Plate - Stone Brick - Tungsten Plate - Uranium Fuel Rod - Wood Panel -
Row 3: Liquids
- Crude Oil - Sewage - Heavy Oil - Lava - Light Oil - Acid - Liquid Nitrogen - Water - Lubricant - Toxic Waste -
Row 4: Gases
- Oxygen - Sulfuric Acid - (Dy)Hydrogen (Gas)- Petroleum (Gas)-
Rows 5 & 6: Machined
- Copper Wire - Wooden Shaft - Iron Shaft - Steel Shaft - Tungsten Shaft -
- Gold Wire - Wooden Gear - Iron Gear - Steel Gear - Tungsten Gear -
Rows 7 & 8: Furnaces
- Stone Furnace - Brick Furnace - Ceramic Furnace - Diamond Furnace-
- Alien Artifact - Lead Lined Brick Furnace - Lead Lined Ceramic Furnace - Lead Lined Diamond Furnace -
Rows 9 & 10: Research
- Red - Crimson - Orange - Brown - Yellow - Gold - Green - Emerald - Cyan - Cobalt - Blue - Purple - Magenta - Pink -
- White - Grey - Black - Full Size